Hye theree :D . Lma dh xupdate blog . Maklum ar bz an SPM . Huhu . ANyway , thanks utk spe2 yg sudi visit blog ni , jgn lupa follow tau :) . Hoho . I'll start update lg bila da abis SPM nnt . That's all for now . Follow , jgn x follow ;) . 

With love ,
Ebiey Mirifornia ;)

I'm a NEW Student ;D . AGAINN --"

Hye blogger , blog-walker , follower , readers & dear visitors ;D . EBiey jd budak baru LAGI --" . Huu . Skul kt SMK Baru aa . Student dia oke . Classmate pun friendly lha jgak aa . Ckgu pun oke . Smua ny oke bha . Lgpun ni da kali ke-2 Ebiey pndah skul thun ni aa . Hoho . Dh nsib lha kata kn bhaa ;p . Ni da msuk ari kdua daa sklah bha . Ada lha connect2 ckit an  classmates ( mybe lha :p ) . But anyway , 1st kwn Ebiey kt sna Crystal aa . She's pretty .Dia okey lha aa . Friendly , or apa smua . Then , Angela . Xsngka pula dia ada gmbr Ebiey time tadika --" . Hee . Sma tadika dlu2 bhaa ;3 ~ HEHE . Then dlm kelas tu ada TWIN SEIRAS juga aa . Mula2 , Ebiey xprasan bha smpai lha Ebiey tgk tarikh2 lhir yg dlekat tu . Nma pun sma aa . Last2 bru lha Ebiey prasan aa . Orgnya kecik tp cute . Sorang Husna yg pkai spec , then sorg lg Dewi ( xsilap Ebiey lha )  yg xpkai spec  . Sbb sorg tu pkai spec lha Ebiey xprasan bha . HoHo ~ But anyway , Ebiey mmg suka lha jga skolah ni aa . Diaorang xmemilih bha . Lgpun xbyk student dlm klas bha . Tu lg lha best aa . Hee . Tp ckit2 pun student msih jgak MERIAH dlm klas . HEHE . K lha . Tu sj nukilan EBiey buat msa ni aa && sekiranya tuan punya nma di ats mbca blog ni , Ebiey mntak maaf sbb xmnta kbenaran tulis nma korang . Hee :D . 

P/S ; Ada lg kwn bru yg laen , tp Ebiey xbrapa igt nma & ejaan . So , yg laen , SORRY kehh . Next time Ebiey include nma korang ;) .

Loves ,
Ebiey ,

Memory Flashback ;(

Hye blogger , follower , blog-walker & you . Today mood Ebiey xbrpa mnentu arr . Tgah kusyuk kmas bku td tiba2 lha jmpa diari lma . Yes , dlu Ebiey mmg kaki diari . Ebiey pun bca lha arr . Fuhh dr 1st page Ebiey bca Ebiey da nangis daaa . Diari tu psl ex Ebiey , mmg khas diari utk dia . Byk coretan , rintihan Ebiey dlm tu . Dr mula grek until lha teda . Byk sgt memori bha & smua ny Ebiey tringat bha . Ebiey da xmampu nk hbiskn bca diari tu . Ebiey just skip to last page diari tu . Kt page tu da pic dia & cebisan mcg sbb dia syg kt Ebiey . Ohmy , mmg bnjir hbis air mata . Ebiey xtw nk luahkn kt spa ttg ni . Ebiey just post je kt blog ni . Tiada mksd Ebiey nk tagih simpati or apa . Ebiey just rindu sgt kt dia bha . Ebiey xpat nk describe kn dlm words apa yg Ebiey tgh rsa skrg ni bha . Ebiey hrp sgt dpt putar kmbali msa , tp apa bleh buat kn , Ebiey cuma manusia biasa je . Huhu . Jd utk pengajarannya , bila da syg sgt kt seseorng jgn lh lpaskn . Steruk mna pun gduh , tp kalau hati msing2 msh syg jgn lha sesekali sebut @ ucap perkataan "BREAK" or "PUTUS" . Mengalah lh wlaupun tu mmg slh dia agar xmnyesal di kmudian hari . Huhu . K lha . Tu sj coretan Ebiey wat msa ni . TTFN . Thanks sbb sudi luangkn msa bca post Ebiey . Jgn lupa follow tau ..

With  love ,
Ebiey ,

Heyyyy ;D

Heyy ;D . Whatduuppp ;D ? Huhu . Check out my new wish list 2012 :) . I know its kinda late to post it , but who care ritee ? Hee . Anyway , thats all for today . Im kinda busy this day , so jrg update blog . But I'll post wherever Im free ;) . Buhbyee 


Hye readers , bloggers , blog-walker & followers :D . HUHU . How's your day ? HEHE . Boring thp gaban sbnarny ni aa ;p . Just habiskn msa explore new phone to buy . Pic ats tu aa phone yg nk dbeli bhaa . Sony Ericsson Xperia Mini Pro aa . Smua ny mlengkapi ciri2 yg bi nk ;) . Cute kn phone tu ;P ? hehe . Anyway , mw explore2 hrga dlu & kmpul $$ dlu aa . Bru bole bli bhaaaa :3 ~ Oke lha , TTFN ( Ta Ta For Now ) . CYL ;) ~

Ebiey ,
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Hye blogger , readers , followers & blog-walker :) . Its been a while Ebiey x update blog . Tehee :D . Maklum bz bhaaa ;D . HUHU . Anyway , Bi dh da ukulele ;D & THANK YOUUUU :D . Sorry xmampu mw ucap dpn2 ;) . Xbiasa bha . HUHU . Oh ea , HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY utk spa2 yg bgelar ibu @ mamy @ mak & etc . Thun ni xsmbut aa w fmily . Mklum jauh bha . I really MISS THEMMM ;') , p apa bleh buat bha . Dmi msa dpn rite ? HUHu . K lha . Sampai sni sj nukilan bi :) . Bye2 ;) 

Shelby ,

HYE :)

Hye blogger , readers , blog-walker , follower & strangers :) . Xtw lha phl ni tiba2 nk update blog . Haihhh . Mybe i need someone to talk to but the fact is , THERE'S NO ONEE X( ! But pa bleh buat nk ? Ng ku ssah mw d fhami bha . Thats why ku salu dtggal kn bha . Bkn mw mnagih simpati lha but ea lha knyataan ny bha . I'm just the same old girl nok salu jk angan2 bha . Cian kn ? P apa bleh buat bha . Ku hnya mampu angan2 jk . Pa kata org puteh , " HOPELESS ROMANTIC " if I'm not mistaken lha . HAHA XD . Anyway , bbrpa ari tok ng x oke lha keadaan ku . Apa sbb ny , xprlu lha ku cita bha . Ng mls juak mw dkenang bha . But lifes must go on kn :) ? Huhu . Hrp2 lha one day ada juak org fhm aku bha :) . One day :) .. HUHU . Bodo ehh mata tok aa . Xhbis2 nangis bha . Paloi paloi paloiiii X( . Erhhhhhhhhhhh . Skali lg d tgglkn :'( .. k lha . im off .


Yooo bloggerrr , readers , blog-walker & my dear follower :D . I miss you a lotttt bloggie :D . Lma dh x update blog aa . Mklum aa . Busy bha an folio PSV >.< . Haihhhh . Bingong eh dbuat ny . Mw gugurkn PSV syg pla kta mummy aa . Alang2 bha , tp hati bkeras jg mw gugurkn subjek PSV tu . Xtw eh cmna mw bt kptusan nihhh . Bingong weiii XD ! Anyway , school oke lha . Smua oke . Just krg shat je bebrapa hari ni aa . Mybe sbb cuaca btukar2 . Skjap PANASSSS mcm MATAHARI , skjap SEJUKKKKK mcm AIS >.< . LOVE life ? Xpyh lh nk cta . Pning dbuat ny aa . Errr , pa lg oh ? Em , tu sj lha nukilan bt msa ni . Mw off dluuuuuu ~ PUHpyee :) . THANKS FOR LENDING YOUR EYES TO BACA :P . HAHA XD ~ 

LOves , 
Ebiey ,
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Hye hye hye blogger , reader , blog-walker , follower & tetamu sekalian :D . Good day kn hari ni . HEHE :) . Bkn apa bha , Ebiey happy sgt2 hari :D . Ada org bg bunga td :P . HEHE :D . First time dpt bunga nihhhh :DD . Bunga putih . Xtw aa dr mna dia petik but Ebiey hrgai sgt2 . THANKYOUUUUUUUU :D . Hehe . Ebiey mmg xsngka jg bhaaaaa . Senyum lebar Ebiey bila dpt aa . HAHA XD . Time blik td dgn bgga pegang bunga tu kt tgn bhaaaa ;P . HAHA :D . K lha . Nk chow dlu arrr . Nk bljar utk exam bsok . Bsok exam sejarah & math aa . Fuhhhhh . Perah otak abisssssssss >.<" . HAHA . Anyway , wish me luck keh ? Oh ea , good luck utk spa2 yg ada exam sokkk . Bjuang abis2-an tauuuu :P . BYE :D .

ni aa bunga yg ebiey dpt . hehe :D

Loves ,
Ebiey :) 

But still ..

Yoo blogger , reader , blog-walker , follower :D . Its been a long time since I updated my bloggie :D . Well , today ebiey ada buat poem . Just read it and enjoy :D . P/S : No copy2 :) .

When you need a shoulder to cry on ,
He was never there for you ,
You always cried alone ,
Carry the weight of you tear all by yourself ,
But still ,,
You still love him although
You know he never love you back ..
Sometimes you realize 
How fool you are ,
But still,,
You still love him with all you heart ,
Your heart was full of love tears ..
But still ,,
He never realize it ..
Over and over he crashed your heart ,
Like a broken glass ,
Leaving you alone to fix it ...

Loves ,
Shelby ,
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Valentine is COMINGGG !

Hye readers , follower , blog-walker & visitors :D . HELLO FEBRUARY ! Its a LOVE MONTH . I guess . HAHA :D . Anyway , Valentine is around the corner . Its time to spread LOVE yooo && a very good time to confess to someone you love or like :) . Besides , xsmesti ny perlu ada bf@gf to celebrates bha . Come on lha you guys celebrates with family kha @ best buddy . No need lha desperate sgt nk cri bf@gf dgn sgera bha . You'll find the one someday bha . You just have to wait & wait & wait :) . Trust me . Oh yeah , bout me ? Em . Nothing special on valentine day . Maybe celebrate with my fellow single friends & enjoy ourselves & had a good times :) . Besides , SAVE lha my budget because xperlu gift for the one OR whatever lha . Just have to move on bhaaa . Am I riteee :D ? Hehe . But if someone give me something , I definetely terimak it cause its a LOVE MONTH . I told you so :P . HAHA :D . K lha . Thats all for todayy . Have a great valentine & send a me gift yeahh :P .

with loves ,
ebieymirifornia ,


Yooo follower , readers , & bloggerrr :D . First of all , THANK YOU for following my blog :) . I really appreciate it . HUHU . Anywayy , school holiday has started today ! YAHOOOO & OHH NOOOO at the same time :/ . Teachers gave us a LOT , LOT & A LOT of HOMEWORK >,<" ! 
Haiihhhhyaaaaaaaaaaa >.<! But anyway , HAVE a great holiday guys :) .

Loves ,
ebieymirifornia ,

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